A New Phase Of Life

     So it has been awhile since I've posted anything....not for a lack of having anything to say. I have been spending all of my time trying to free myself from a business I started, that did not work out. Those issues are holding me back from completely moving on to a new phase in my life.  It is funny, now that I have 4 kids with the oldest and youngest having an 11 year age difference, I think I just may be replaying a previous phase differently. 
     With MaRee' (11) and Marques (9) I was a workaholic Mom.  Maree' stayed with my Mom for the day until she was about 4 before we sent her to Chesterbrook Academy (daycare).  Being the first grandchild my parents had around, they were uncomfortable with her going to daycare with out being able to talk...in case someone did something to her she could tell us.  With Marques, he stayed 6 months with my sister then off to Chesterbrook. 

     It would seem, we would be more worried about Marques.  He had hemophilia and he was the first grandchild with it.  I did make sure a nurse visited the daycare to do a presentation about Hemophilia to his teachers.  When he was about 3, we even had the nurse start going to the daycare center for his prophy treatments.  Chesterbrook provided a spot in the refrigerator for his factor, so I really became removed from the process. 

     Besides educating the staff, Marques also wore a helmet and knee pads from the time he started walking.   As I think back, we had a very successful time with Marques at daycare and I need to thank the lord for protecting him from any major issues.  Like I said, I was a workaholic Mom, I was working close to 12-14 hours a day and I did that from about 1999 to 2007!
     Now, with Layla and Laithan (1) I am a stay at home Mom.   So, in this phase of my life I get to take care of my children differently.  I have to say, I feel more protective of them.  Maybe, because I have more time to think instead of just doing.  I can not imagine putting Laithan in daycare and not worrying about him getting hurt.  Shucks, I'm at home with him everyday and I worry about him hurting himself; the boy is bonkers!!! Another concern for me is that in SC I don't have a nurse that can come out for emergencies....I am the "nurse" for those emergencies.  (previously lived in NJ) 
     I'm glad I have the opportunity of re-doing the toddler phase and having the opportunity to re-do it being a stay-at-home Mom.  (Even though, at times I have an urge to work... but don't all recovering workaholics!)  I know, my older kids like me being home now and I think they need me more even if it's only to drive them to activities!  I pray my husband can keep maintaining us so I can maintain the family!

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