Today is Valentine's Day! The day we look to our husband or significant other for a special kiss or a special gift. If your lucky you may even get taken out for a meal, which means no cooking tonight for you!! My husband and I don't do anything big for Valentine's Day. He usually gets me a card from him and one from the kids.
Today I stuck a little note in his lunch:
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue.
Even though you snore,
I want to spend the rest of my life with you!
He swears I snore louder than him. Sometimes we record it, but the jury is still out!
Anyway, besides a "Date Night" on Valentine's, I think it does a marriage good for parents to take a night off from the everyday. Parents dealing with a child with a chronic disease, such as hemophilia, can still add stress to the relationship and lead to divorce.
"Date Night" can give you time to reconnect! Don't get me wrong, it doesn't always have to be out of the house. Maybe you set time to wake up at 12:AM (when everyone else is sleep), lay a blanket on the bedroom floor, light a candle and share a bottle of wine..and what happens happens!
My Video Thursday is Real Talk: Date Night with Care.com
You tube video
So besides Valentine's Day, do you and your significant other take time out for "Date Night"? Does it help?
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