My favorite childhood memories are the times my Dad would blast music through the house and I would sing and dance. It was one creeky spot on the floor that if you danced there, it would make the needle skip on the record player. My Dad would shoot me a quick look. Good thing they came out with CDs, because the stress of one of his records getting scratched inhibited my dance moves!
All these memories came rushing back the other day, when I was listening to an oldies station...oldies for me is the 80's...and one of the songs my Dad and I played over and over again came on. I jumped up, turned it up and started to dance around the livingroom. I was home alone, at first, so I really turned it up and let loose. Towards the end...because you know back then songs were much son came home from school. At first he didn't know what to think! I told him to come dance with me! That's when he busted out the John Travolta dance move from "Staying Alive" hips going and all! Funny, he has never seen the movie, but he knew the moves.

I was concious of this moment, because I wanted him to remember this moment. One day when he's older and has his own family, I want him to have a flashback moment of him and Mom dancing in the living room. I also want him to create the same memory for his kids. My son's childhood memories will be much happier than my Dad's were. Because of his hemophilia, My Dad had many childhood stories of him being in the hospital and things he couldn't do as a kid. My son's childhood memories, thank God, will not be like my Dad's. Hopefully, he will have more stories about how crazy his Mother was!
When is the last time you danced with your son?
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