Let me just start of by saying I had a good weekend! The weather was foggy Saturday, which was okay since we were in meetings all day, but Sunday morning made up for it.
My family has made a commitment to attend this meeting every year so we can "check in" with the Hemophilia community. This year, I have to say it was a good check up.
This year theme was
"Today and Beyond". The Weekend Agenda was full of education sessions for parents as well as the children followed by a Holiday Buffet Dinner and Christmas Celebration. There were several good sessions that I will break up into a few blog post.
One of Saturday Morning sessions presented by Michelle Rice, Director of Public Policy of NHF who is responsible for coordinating NHF advocacy efforts at the state and federal levels, provided everyone with a
Personal Health Care Insurance Toolkit created by NHF to help you decide which insurance plan is best for your family. Of course it's the end of the year and time for insurance changes. My husband always just picks the one that seems to be the best choice to take care of our hemophilia needs. The toolkit walks you through a worksheet you complete based on information from your own insurance plan. You can compare dollar for dollar which plan is best for you. I'm almost scared to check to make sure we did pick the right plan.

If you were following me on Twitter this weekend at @Prophyholic, you know I had an enlightened moment about the importance of supporting your Chapter, which came up during this session. Now, don't get me wrong. I knew it was important to join a Chapter, but I did not understand the correlation between being involved and showing up to events with how much funding your Chapter can receive from drug manufactures and insurance companies to donate to the Chapter. I guess my ignorance came from always seeing pharmacy providers at events when I attended with my Father and just thought they were part of the package. Back then, pharmacy providers paid for trips, provided helmets and everything else to keep you as a customer.