Well, I almost let the month go past without mentioning my 4-year Wedding Anniversary to my Husband! He promised me unconditional Love and I have to say, so far, he has kept his promise. I think he knows, as soon as I don't feel unconditional love, he could have a crazy wife on his hands. I'm still not quite sure how he knew that was the one thing he had to say to guarantee a, "Yes, I will marry you".
I believe I mentioned in previous post that this is my second marriage. My first marriage, I was young and he was 9 years older, so I grew up and we grew apart. I heard a saying recently that God put certain people together sometimes just to create certain people. I like that saying and I have accepted that as our purpose. Someone wanting to marry me the first time who accepted the fact that I could have a child with hemophilia, I have to admit I thought it would never happen. Therefore, when I decided to get divorced with two children and one with a bleeding disorder, I still was not confident that someone else would want to marry me.
For the first two months after my first husband and I decided to divorce, I didn't tell anyone. I was embarrassed and felt like a failure. One night I was playing cards with some friends from work, had a few drinks (liquid courage), and casually mentioned that I was getting a divorce. A month later, one of those friends at a New Years Eve party pulled me aside and said, "I know you are getting a divorce and you will be back on the market soon and I just want to let you know I'm interested in dating you". He threw a few more lines in there, but I will spare you the details. It did help his case that soft music and candle-lights were setting the mood. So, this New Years Eve will be our 10 year Anniversary of actually being together! I know, I know I'm easy!