I don't want to spend Mother's Day with my kids. Yes, I said it and I mean it. Let me say before there is any misunderstanding, I Love My kids very much. They mean the world to me and they are my world. Everyday, I spend 15 hours a day with 2 of the 4...the other 9 hours they are sleep. My children make me laugh and everyday I ask God to protect them and I pray he allows each of them to live a full happy life. But Mother's Day, I think should be exactly what it is called Mother'SSS Day, mine, mine mine!

Think about it this way. If I spend the day with my children, it's really not MY day. Yes, they may give me a special breakfast in the morning and I will have that, "Oh, Mommy we love you so much!," moment. But, who's going to have to clean the kitchen? You would think my Husband and he would wash the pots,...but would the kitchen really be clean?! If your lucky enough to be taken out to lunch or dinner, it's not like you didn't put the work into getting everyone together and out of the house. When you finally make it out to dinner, you can't ignore the messy hands and juice spills...nope your still a "Mother" on Mother's Day.

Imagine if you will, waking up in a cozy bed and the only noise is the sound of the sheets moving as you stretch. You reach over and call room service and you order blueberry pancakes (because no one else at home likes them but you), bacon and coffee. You turn on OWN and watch a little "Super Soul Sunday" while you enjoy your breakfast and you actually get to drink HOT coffee!! After your feeling both spiritually full and tummy full, you go take a long, long relaxing hot shower..because you don't have to worry about getting out before the kid's show on Sprout goes off or them coming in and out of the bathroom asking you for juice. You get dressed in a pretty dress, go out doing something you want to do. Something that you can't do with the kids like Antique browsing or what ever else you enjoy doing, but never seem to find the time to do.
I think you get the idea of why I don't want to spend Mother's Day with my kids. I know, Mother's Day was created for your family to appreciate you and I think they will after having a day with you gone. Just think how much bigger the hugs will be when you return.
At the same time, I know one day I will wake up on Mother's Day to a quiet house because all the kids are grown with their own families. I'll have my blueberry pancakes and sit and think about Mother's Day past... waiting for the phone to ring.
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