Organizing Factor Supplies

  Well, I can't keep the twins out of the pantry!  They think it's another room to play in.  Since I currently keep all the boys factor supplies in there, it's not the best place for two year olds to be.  I took the below picture two years ago and everything is still organized the same way.  (Yes, that is  As you know, with home infusion you have to keep everything together and easy to get to three times a week.  Being a Prophyholic Hemo Mom, I'm always looking for ways to simplify the process.


     Two years ago I went to the Dollar Tree and brought these containers so I could stop living out the boxes and actually see what I had.  It also was good for my son because he was able to gather his supplies easier for factor day.  I know when I first started with home infusion, it didn't come with any instructions on how to organize all this stuff.  Now that I have two boys, one with a port and one with out, to treat three times a week it's even more important that the supplies stay organized.  

     Well, this way is not going to work anymore.  I'm working on a new way to organize my supplies and will update you when I'm done.

     How do you organize your supplies?

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