One reason why, I love writing this blog on hemophilia because it gives me a chance to THINK about what I do instead of just doing it.
After writing about how Laithan was still on
Factor Strike and describing how he was okay up to the point it was time to put in the needle... it hit me. I need to change up the situation because he is a creature of habit and order. My big idea was to remove DADDY!
Now, the first time I removed Daddy, it took me about a half hour just to get Laithan to sit down. I did his factor early in the day, before Daddy came home, but Marques was home from school. I did my normal yell of, "factor time". I asked Laithan who he wanted to go first, of course he wanted to go first. I had everything out and he was about to sit down and Laithan said..."I need Daddy lap". I told him, "We don't need Daddy anymore". "Your a big boy", I continued telling him this, but he wasn't going for it. Then I threatened to do Marques factor first, which made him more upset.
I was just about to try a lollipop (the same one's I'm trying to get him and his twin sister to potty train with...which isn't working) or some numbing cream (never used on him or Marques) because I was getting desperate and did not want to waste the factor. Just when I was about to give up, I asked him one more time to help me...he asked for gloves...I put the gloves on him...and he held the syringe while I was put the needle in his port. He stayed so still.. no fighting, no pulling away or trying to stop me..I just stayed quiet until we were done. Like magic, he went back to how he was a few months ago. After I pulled the needle out his port, I yelled and gave him big high five and hug!
The next factor day...Daddy was home. I ignored the fact that Daddy was home and tried to repeat the same pattern. At first, he said "I need Daddy lap". I told him, "No, Your a big boy now and a big helper". He repeated what I said, put on his gloves and we did it with no problem!
Laithan "drumming" up business at garage sale |
How do you spell R-E-L-I-E-F! Fighting with Laithan had become such a burden and sometimes factor day got skipped if my husband had to work late. It's amazing how he use to fight for his life and now just sits there calmly. I'm so glad I have boxes of extra gloves and hopefully we won't run out until he's tired of wearing them!