On this journey I had an Oprah, “Aha moment”! I am thankful for the connection time I had while giving my son his factor to treat his hemophilia. I wanted to share this in a more detail blog post because I want every Mom to realize that “Factor Time” is a great experience and journey.

As your going through your “normal” routine of “factor time”, you begin to talk about other things… How was school today? What’s for dinner? or just randomness discussions of life. THAT IS THE MOMENT to be Thankful for! In that moment you are connecting! In that moment we have the time to connect with them! Do you remember the anti-drug commercial encouraging parents to talk to your children about drugs…where a father and teen are in the car driving somewhere NOT TALKING…then the teen gets out…to show a missed opportunity to discuss saying no to drugs. That’s what I’m saying! “Factor Time” is that time to connect and talk. That was the time my son asked the craziest life questions or shared things with me he was thinking and we “heard” each other.
Now, that he is self-infusing those moments are gone. Yes, I could sit with him while he does it himself, but I want him to continue to feel that independence. I miss our talks though! That was our respected time by the family! I can’t wait to get to that point with Laithan, my 3 year old, when “factor time” is not spent with me trying to mentally persuade him with gifts, distractions or promises to sit still. I will however be mindful when that time does come for us to connect during “factor time” and be thankful for it!
I know life is busy and we are squeezing “Factor Time” into it, but when you do have that quiet time to connect…DO IT…they grow up so fast!
Do you have any bonding rituals you do during factor time already?
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